Thursday, January 17, 2013


In an effort to eat healthier, save money, and use stuff we already have around the house rather than buy new products, I've been increasing the number of things we make ourselves. Here are some of my favorites.

1. Baby wipes. Easy, quick, and uses things we already buy. Plus, you can control exactly what's in them (so nice for sensitive skin). About 1/10 the cost per wipe than most brands.

2. Chocolate syrup. Not as sweet as the stuff I'd been buying but good flavor and basic ingredients. Not sure if it saves money, but I feel much better about the natural ingredients.

3. Laundry soap. Simple ingredients that you can control what's in it (again, nice for sensitive skin). And sooo much cheaper. It's actually really easy too. Should have done this a long time ago.

4. Artwork and decorations. I love saving money by making my own. More to come on this later.

5. Taco seasoning. Easy to make, you know what's in it, and Steve's allergic to something in the store bought stuff anyway so no bad reactions. All around win for our family.

6. Popcorn! Yummy! Just popcorn, butter and salt. So simple and delicious. A little more time-consuming on the stove, but so cheap and worth it. At least Ethan thinks so :)

What do you make yourself that is worth the time in health or cost savings??

1 comment:

Christen Lowe said...

We ALWAYS make our own popcorn, so delicious! And better for you. I have always wanted to make my own baby wipes........haven't yet.