Thursday, December 19, 2013

20 week ultrasound - it's a...

I had my 20 week ultrasound on Tuesday. We got to spend some time watching baby wiggle around and kick in there.

It very much reminded me of my ultrasound with Ethan. Baby was in the exact same spot, and we had a hard time getting some of the images that the ultrasound tech needed. Ethan never moved from that spot, requiring another follow up ultrasound to see some of his heart. So she had me go to the bathroom and move around a bit and baby moved too, and we finished up pretty quickly. The last thing she did was check the sex of the baby. Took a few minutes of pushing and prodding, baby was scrunched up and legs locked together. I made the comment that it was beginning to make me think it was a girl, with Ethan it was pretty easy for even me to tell he was a boy. She agreed with me, that she was starting to think it was a girl too. Then we finally got a good shot and confirmed that it looks like a girl!!

We're pretty surprised, and getting used to the idea of dresses, ruffles and bows invading our house :) Ethan's been saying that it was a girl all along, so I don't think he's as surprised as mommy and daddy. We're all pretty excited to know!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

18 weeks

Ethan always has lots of hugs and kisses for baby.