Friday, January 29, 2010

32 weeks

Here I am at 32 weeks

Little guy is getting stronger and we are getting closer to picking a name... I think. We also have an open house at our house this weekend, and another in a few weeks. We're praying that it sells quickly.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

31 weeks

Here I am at 31 weeks. I had an ultrasound this morning, and also a surprise non stress test. Baby looks great, and BIG. He's in the 77th percentile for overall growth, but his head was measuring 35 weeks :). So he's got a big head and a big belly, but other than that he's average size everything. He also was estimated to be around 4lbs 10oz which shocked me because I just read in my weekly emails that he should be around 3.3lbs this week.

I'm going in weekly from now on, so somehow (maybe in the move) I missed the appointments at every 2 weeks and go straight to every week. So I'm all scheduled for each week until my due date. Makes it really feel like it's coming right up.

Oh, and this was kinda funny, I didn't realize that I'd have a non stress test today so I was kinda thrown off when they strapped me up and gave me a little clicker. Steve made a comment about it being like Jeopardy that just gave me the giggles. Every time he kicked and I clicked the clicker it just cracked me up. I tried to compose myself each time the nurse came in to check on me, but I totally lost it at one point and was laughing and clicking away. And he was kinda quiet for the first half of the test or so, so the nurse put this buzzer up to my belly and he totally started spazzing out and that cracked me up all over again.

We got a couple of pictures that they printed out but I don't have a scanner now, so I can't post them. He was pretty scrunched up anyway so they weren't terribly easy to see, shots of his face hiding behind his hands. He certainly doesn't look like the scrawny little baby that we saw 11 weeks ago.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

annual tradition

Do you think that this guy has dementia? He called me again this morning. I answered the phone and he yells, "JUDY!". I say, "no, you have the wrong number" and he mumbles something and then says, "oh". I hang up. He calls back about 10 seconds later. I hang up on him. Very strange. This is the third January in a row that I've talked to him. Maybe next year I should confront him about getting rid of my phone number :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

fun with toys

No, not baby toys. Steve's brother Joe got Steve a toy for Christmas. Here's a few videos of Steve trying it out.

The other night, when I was already in bed and ready to go to sleep, Steve got out the helicopter and I grabbed the camera. But he likes to fly a little too close to my face for comfort, so here's me ducking for cover:

I love the "oh, dangit" at the end when he crashes into something.

Then I moved out of the way and he got a little more control over flying:

Today my camera ran out of batteries, but he's had several really sweet flights all over the house :) Thanks, Joe!

Friday, January 15, 2010

7 years ago today

I just realized this evening that Steve asked me to marry him 7 years ago today. I didn't think that he could surprise me, but I wanted him to. He totally shocked me. In fact, it took me a few minutes to figure out what was going on. My first thought when I came home that evening to find the house decorated with flowers, candles, music, etc. was "boy, Steve is going all out tonight and he should save some ideas for when he asks me to marry him". I had no idea even then that just minutes later he would get down on his knee and do just that. Boy it seems like forever ago, and just yesterday all at the same time :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

yay, new camera!!

Ever since my nice, new, DSLR camera was stolen last April, I've been using our old point and shoot camera. It was a very nice camera until it started to go bad :) I knew that before the baby came I'd want a camera, any camera, that could take a decent picture to record some memories. The problem was, did I want to replace the DSLR or the point and shoot? I loved that DSLR and I really only had it for 6 months or so, but I could get a decent camera in the $100-200 so I thought that I'd better put my money into baby stuff for the time-being and maybe find a good deal later on for a nicer camera. Anyway, all that to say that I'm pretty happy with my purchase. Too bad I didn't get it before Christmas, then I'd have some pics of us over the holidays. So all that to say, I'm back to picture-taking and hopefully documenting some of our memories in the upcoming months :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

30 weeks

I can't believe I'm due in 9 1/2 weeks. So crazy. I feel great still, so instead of posting about me, I thought I'd write a few things about this little guy that we'll all meet pretty soon.

He definitely has resting and active periods that he goes through. I can almost tell when I get up in the middle of the night if I'm going to wake him up or not. If I have trouble getting back to sleep and toss and turn for a while, he wakes up and is ready to play around for a while, usually around 5am.

Also, he totally gets energized when I eat. If I lay down after eating, I feel like my insides are being bruised :)

He normally gets the hiccups at least twice per day, and sometimes many more times. I find myself subconsciously holding my breath or something like I'd usually do if I had the hiccups to try to get rid of them. Then I realize what I'm doing, haha.

He really enjoys hanging out in the right side of my belly, and now he's head down most of the time. He scrunches so far over to my right, that I can't lay or sit in such a way that I lean to the right or I'll get seriously kicked in the ribs. I have to sit straight up or leaning left to give him as much space as he needs. He gets really active if I put pressure on him, like if I feel a shoulder or something and push it around he starts wiggling a lot, and if he's scrunched or I've got pressure on my belly, he kicks at it.

We're going for an ultrasound next week, so I should have some extra fun pics after that. For now, here I am at 30 weeks:
Oh, and see that comfy glider in the background? Thanks, craigslist :) I found an awesome deal, I wasn't going to buy one until I either found an incredible deal or we'd found a house to put it in and I knew for sure we would have space to use it. For the price, it was a great buy so I'm glad I was looking. We've also made a few other purchases, a stroller and car seat travel system, and a high chair, to go along with the clothes and toys that are accumulating!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

29 weeks!

I'm behind, so here's a pic of me at 26 weeks:

And here's me at 29 weeks:

Sorry for the mess!! Also, our camera has been slowly dying and so I finally bought a new one but I don't have the right memory for it. So I ordered some memory and am anticipating the day that I can once again have pictures that don't have pink stripes through them :)

I've been feeling really well lately. Other than the occasional back ache, stuffy noses when I lay down, and dizziness when I get up, I feel completely "normal". I'm starting to feel the countdown, 10 weeks and 5 days until my due date. Crazy! We're signed up for birth classes at our hospital in a few weeks. And I've been quickly accumulating baby stuff. I've been overwhelmed with reading about strollers/carseats/travel systems, reading reviews and what people like and don't like about each one. I have no idea... if anyone has suggestions, let me know what you like and don't like. I think I'm on info overload with that decision.

The other decision that I'm feeling the pressure on is THE NAME. We have a short list of ones we agree that we like, but we're still not feeling any in particular. We're not against sharing the name, it's just that we're not really that set so it may change at any given moment. We'll see what the next few weeks bring, and if we get any closer.

Oh, and I've since picked up the clutter in our room, haha.