Sunday, May 11, 2014

Busy week at our house

Hannah Katherine was born on 5/5/14. 8lbs 4oz and 20" long. She's amazing. She's already loved by lots of people, including her big brother who wants to give everything he can to her. He's learned that graham crackers aren't the best snack for newborns, and that dirty diapers aren't really something you want to stick around for. 

And the first day we were home from the hospital this started happening at our house. 

It's our front patio, and driveway being replaced, along with our garage floor and back patio. Good thing babies can sleep through jackhammers. The rest of us aren't so fortunate :)

I don't have many pics of the process because my attention has been on a certain baby girl. It's looking really good so far and I'm so excited to have it complete. 

Hannah has her one week well check tomorrow and I'll get her updated stats. She had her jaundice levels checked on Thursday and she wasn't quite back up to her birth weight. I'm not worried about it if the way she is eating is any indicator she will be well past that mark tomorrow. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

induction day

I'm on the schedule at labor and delivery at my hospital Monday morning! Looks like baby girl will most likely be born on Cinco de Mayo. :) We are so excited to meet her and see her little face finally. 3 more days!!

Thursday, May 1, 2014


This little cutie pie has a way of distroying things that you'd never have thought could be taken apart or destroyed. Latest victim - 35' tape measurer. This little piece is crucial, turns out.