Friday, July 6, 2012

a few stories from lately

Yesterday one of our fish (that has been acting sick all week) finally died (or was so close to it that I called it and decided it needed to be flushed).  We came home from the mall of america around lunch time and saw it lying on the rocks and barely moving.  I let Ethan scoop it out of the tank and walk it to the toilet and flush it.  I thought that he'd think it was pretty cool.  He did.  And now he kind of wants our other fish to die so he can scoop them out and flush them as well.

The other day at lunch I noticed that Ethan was only eating bites out of each of his animal crackers, and not eating the whole thing.  I started trying to get him to finish the other halves, and he handed one to me and said "you eat his bum".  He's been really funny with snacks that have pictures on them.  He won't eat these graham crackers with spider man pictures on them because "I don't eat spiders, that's gross".  I can't convince him that they're just pictures of spider man.  If you ask him if he likes spider man, he totally does.  He just doesn't want to eat a graham cracker with a picture of him on it.  So funny.

We went to the fireworks in our town.  Ethan loved them, but it was just so late.  It was after 10 when they started, so after a few minutes he started to ask to go home and go to bed.  I'm guessing in future years he'll love them and appreciate the chance to stay up late more :)

We also had a wonderful trip to Steve's aunt and uncle's lake house just a couple hours away on Sunday.  A day filled with family and fun at the lake.  Ethan could have stayed out in the water all day. I can't imagine if we lived on the water, he'd never come inside.

One last funny one.  One afternoon while I was putting Ethan to bed he was chattering away, and then threw up his hands and said in true teenage fashion "whatever".  2 going on 22 :)

Time for some fireworks!

At the MOA aquarium with friends

Looking at the sharks

At the MOA arcade with Oliver and Keira

Enjoying daddy's day off.  Popsicle on the front porch

Family, water time and grandma's cookies. Not much better than that!

I got to snuggle with my new niece Kayla. Love the newborn sleep smiles!

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