Tuesday, July 24, 2012

cute stories

I was out of town for the weekend, and my little guy missed me a whole bunch. He's been stuck to my leg ever since I got home. When I got home I was showing Steve my sunburned legs and Ethan was pretty concerned. He looked at me and said, "is your bum not feeling very well, mommy?" I told him that it hurt a little because I got a sunburn. He asked me "did you forget to put scun scream on it?"

Today I was getting ready to feed him lunch of left-over bbq chicken and rice. Steve was telling me that he hadn't eaten very much of it last night and wasn't sure he'd eat it again today. I put it in front of Ethan and he yells "wow! Chicken and rice!" and then proceeded to devour the entire plate, all by himself, along with the rest of my corn on the cob, and then ask for more chicken and rice by saying "may I have some more chicken and rice?". Goes to show you never can predict anything.

We've been working on saying "may I have... please?". It had been going like this: Ethan - "SNACK! I need a SNACK! Get me a SNACK!" and then I'd say "how do you ask nicely?" and he'd respond quickly "please". I decided that I'd let it slide long enough, and now I make him start over with "may I..." and he'll change his tone quickly. I will probably be reminding him of it forever, but hopefully one of these days it will stick. And he's usually really good at saying "thank you". I'm going to be a big stickler for manners in my kids. I got it from my mom. I remember her constant reminders to say thank you :)

Tomorrow is Steve's birthday! Ethan and I went to the store this morning to pick out daddy's present. I knew what I wanted Ethan to give Steve, but I didn't want to get it too early because I also knew that surprises don't mean anything to Ethan. So when we got to the sporting goods section and I let Ethan pick out a children's tennis racquet to "give to daddy for his birthday" Ethan was over the moon. He carried that thing around the whole store and told the check-out girl "this is tennis for daddy's birthday, so we can play tennis together". He came right home and showed daddy, he was so excited. Then he got super frustrated because he couldn't hit the ball to save his life :) Hopefully he'll catch on a little as the years go by. We're celebrating Steve's birthday tonight as a family, heading out shortly for Davanni's pizza. Yum!

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