Wednesday, January 20, 2010

31 weeks

Here I am at 31 weeks. I had an ultrasound this morning, and also a surprise non stress test. Baby looks great, and BIG. He's in the 77th percentile for overall growth, but his head was measuring 35 weeks :). So he's got a big head and a big belly, but other than that he's average size everything. He also was estimated to be around 4lbs 10oz which shocked me because I just read in my weekly emails that he should be around 3.3lbs this week.

I'm going in weekly from now on, so somehow (maybe in the move) I missed the appointments at every 2 weeks and go straight to every week. So I'm all scheduled for each week until my due date. Makes it really feel like it's coming right up.

Oh, and this was kinda funny, I didn't realize that I'd have a non stress test today so I was kinda thrown off when they strapped me up and gave me a little clicker. Steve made a comment about it being like Jeopardy that just gave me the giggles. Every time he kicked and I clicked the clicker it just cracked me up. I tried to compose myself each time the nurse came in to check on me, but I totally lost it at one point and was laughing and clicking away. And he was kinda quiet for the first half of the test or so, so the nurse put this buzzer up to my belly and he totally started spazzing out and that cracked me up all over again.

We got a couple of pictures that they printed out but I don't have a scanner now, so I can't post them. He was pretty scrunched up anyway so they weren't terribly easy to see, shots of his face hiding behind his hands. He certainly doesn't look like the scrawny little baby that we saw 11 weeks ago.


Anonymous said...

I had to do those stress tests every week for the last 3 months. No fun! Especially trying to keep two babies on the monitors lol!
You're looking so cute! Can't wait to take those pics :)

Kristal said...

James was making me laugh during my stress test and it was throwing off the test! I was begging him to stop. :) You are so cute, by the way.

Nat said...

Ang, I can totally picture you with the giggles during this test. When you get giggling its hard for you to stop=) So, fun to hear the details of this point in your pregnancy. Keep posting!