Friday, September 4, 2009


I found my camera! I was sitting at the computer the other day, and noticed it sitting on top of the filing cabinet in our computer room. I swear I have looked all over the place, how in the world is it just sitting there?! I started yelling that I found the camera, and I can't imagine that it's been sitting there this whole time. Steve didn't look shocked, it turns out that he put it there after looking in the filing cabinet and coming across it. He thinks that he might have been the one who put it in the filing cabinet... I think he might be right ;)

Anyway, I'm glad that it "turned up". I've got several trips coming up here and I was going to be bummed if all I had is my camera phone. Our old digital might be going bad, but the camera phone is definitely worse. We leave this afternoon to visit my parents in South Carolina. I'm looking forward to it!

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