Saturday, January 31, 2009

stuff I've been makin'

I have now made 3 pairs of these. So cute and tiny :) This isn't my pair, but the picture from the pattern. I keep forgetting to take a pic before I give them away. Mine were either blue or green, with brown straps.

The pattern called this a capelet. I'd call it a shrug, but whatever.

A neck cozy.
I also made a very warm and cozy shawl. I started it about 7 months ago. Not terribly exciting, but nice to wear around the house on insanely cold days.

I've been contemplating a hat, but I keep finding funner patterns :) My next project just might be some scrapbooking though. It just takes a little time to get organized with that. I'm getting there though!


lara layton said...

hi ang, this all looks great, your so talented! i will post my booties that you made the boys so all can see them! thanks again! lara

chen said...

chen really likes the neck cozy. Super cute!