Friday, January 16, 2009

watering hole

Do you remember this pic?

Well it still looks like that, only much more snowy and frozen. And this morning while I was eating breakfast, I noticed that we had a lot of birds in our back yard trees. It was a little unusual to me, but I didn't really wonder why. Then I noticed that a lot of the birds were flying up close to our house and staying there. So I look out and see our frozen yard with a small puddle of unfrozen water where our sump pump is dumping, and seven birds surrounding this puddle, drinking out of it. It seems in our -15 degree morning, our puddle was the only unfrozen water in the near vicinity. We had created a watering hole :) Of course as soon as I went for the camera they all flew away and didn't come back. I'll try to get a picture tomorrow. It sure was funny to me.

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