Monday, November 26, 2012

It's still sticky

There are some things that Ethan cannot let go of. This morning as we were driving along our conversation went something along these lines:
E: mom. This is sticky.
Me: I look back and see that he is touching the buckle to his car seat. "Oh is the buckle sticky?"
E: yeah. It's really sticky.
Me: well, when we get there I'll get a napkin and wipe it up.
E: mom, can you feel it? It's sticky.
Me: I know it is, but I can't reach back there while I'm driving. Can you wait until we get there for me to clean it up?
E: mom, can you touch it? It's sticky.
Me: no, I can't touch it. I can't reach.
E: it's sticky.
Me: I know it is and as soon as we get there ill wipe it up.
E: ok... It's still sticky.

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