Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Lately Ethan's been talking about dreams that he's had, but I've always gotten the impression that he's just telling me stories that he's making up, and that he's not quite certain what a dream actually is. I know he's had scary dreams that he's waken up to, and started talking incoherently about monsters or someone being mean to him. I've tried to explain that it was just a bad dream, and didn't really happen.

This morning was the first time I've been convinced that he's telling me about an actual dream. He told me that he had a dream where he was riding a bike with "the other guy" and that he got off his bike and the other guy rode over his bike and up the two.. tube? (didn't quite catch that part). Then he had to get his bike and fix it, and then he kept riding up the two/tube with the other guy.

Not the most exciting dream, but it sounded legit to me! He brought it up again later and then asked me if I had that dream too. I told him about a dream that I had the other night and he seemed really curious that we didn't have the same dreams. So fun to watch him figure it all out.

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