Monday, October 15, 2012

Cracks me up

After putting Ethan to bed tonight he screamed his head off for several minutes. The all of the sudden it got super quiet so I turned the monitor on since I figured he was done screaming and had decided to go to sleep. I hear him sweetly singing his Sunday school verse for the month, Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". Oh, all I can do is laugh. Thank you son for the reminder that we are all sinners in need of Gods grace :)

This picture is of Ethan "helping" mom putty the walls of his new big boy room. I bought some Thomas decals for the room for whenever we get around to setting it up as a bedroom. When he heard what the decorations were for he couldn't wait to start in on the project. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut until I was ready to start the project too :) Also, he's showing off his "I'm not going to smile for the camera no matter what you say" face!

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