Thursday, March 15, 2012

2 year stats

Ethan had his 2 year appt this morning and here are his stats:
Height - 38" (99%ile)
Weight - 28.6 lbs (58%ile)
Head Circumference - 20" (93%ile)

Following in his daddy and my brothers' footsteps, I believe we have another tall one in our family.

Everything looks good, and he sure is growing like a weed :) I have heard some old-wives tales about how you can tell how tall they will be based on their 2 year height, so I looked up some height calculators and I got 6'2.8" on one and 6'1" on another. We'll just have to wait about 18 more years to know for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! He's only an inch shorter than M&L!!