Thursday, January 19, 2012

Today is one of those magical days where Ethan played by himself most of the morning allowing me to get my Bible study done with few interruptions, we had a fun time at the library's story time, he is taking a wonderfully long nap now so I got time to put a loaf of blueberry bread in the oven and do a little bit of blogging before he wakes up. These easy-going days are appreciated, and I'm learning to appreciate the hectic ones like yesterday when he refused to nap and kept me on my toes all afternoon :) I do love spending time with my little buddy.

Here are some pics that I've been needing to post.
Grammy B made Ethan a super fun doggie quilt for Christmas! He loves it, and here he is barking at it when he saw it the first time.

The slide that we have has two heights. Daddy just put the extension on to make it bigger. Ethan grabbed the screwdriver (see it in his hand?) and ran around this morning making his other toys bigger too, saying "make bigger" as he searched for screws to tighten :)

Made an ornament at the nursery during my MOMS morning at church.

Totally wowed me by easily picking up how to use a mouse at the library. He is totally focused and yells "Ethan click Elmo!" when he gets to play the elmo game :)

Showing off his Clemson tigers shirt. Says "Clemson Tiger by birth"

So yesterday was an eventful day in Ethan's vocabulary. He says "ok" a lot, following every sentence practically. "Ethan play toys? Ok" "Mama help please? Ok". It first started coming out "ahh-say" and then morphed into "o-tay". Yesterday held more "okay"s than any other form. Steve and I still say ahh-say to each other for okay, and now Ethan has outgrown it. I will miss that word :)

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