Thursday, February 10, 2011

new things every day

So Ethan loves blueberries. I think "loves" is a complete understatement, he practically went crazy over them. He was asking for more before he had finished the ones in front of him, and couldn't shovel them in his mouth fast enough. So funny. I had tried them before, but for some reason this time he loves them.

Speaking of which, Ethan now can ask for more without whining :) I had been casually doing some simple signs (sign language) with him, and just recently "more" clicked. You can see the sign for more here, and Ethan does it kind of like clapping but very intentional. When he really wants something, he actually seems like he's concentrating so hard he starts to shake. He knows what he wants, and is really trying to get his point across, ha. I'll have to catch a video of him doing it.

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