Saturday, January 29, 2011


It's funny, just a couple of days ago I thought that it's strange that Ethan hasn't been clapping yet, considering how much we clap for him. He loves to mimic the things that we do, and say (try to anyway) and since we clap whenever he does something you'd think he would have picked up on it. Well, it seemed that no sooner did I think that thought, then he started clapping. It's pretty funny, he holds his right hand out and his left hand does a big circle when clapping, but he's doing it a lot now. All I have to do is say "yayyyy" and he'll start clapping for himself.

On another note, we survived his sickest week yet. Tuesday he came down with a really bad head cold, coughing and sneezing, runny nose, etc. Then some tummy troubles and fever joined in the mix late Tuesday and early Wednesday. The fever really worried me, and got up to 102 but I guess according to the doctor, babies over 6 months old aren't recommended anything to reduce their fever until it's 103 or higher. That really shocked me, I gave him tylenol anyway, he was really miserable and slept the day away. Now he's back to just coughing and sneezing and hasn't regained his appetite yet at all. Hopefully Steve and I will avoid it, we've been able to stay healthy so far.

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