Monday, February 18, 2008

Everybody forgets

at least that's what my brother Jay tells me. This week has been a forgetful one for me. It started off a week ago Friday when I kept telling myself to remember to bring my phone charger home from work. I took last week off of work, so if I didn't remember it I'd have to make a special trip in to campus to get it. Well, I forgot it. Then, when I came to work Wednesday evening to pick it up, I forgot to bring my keys so I couldn't get in to my lab. Then on Thursday when I came back to the lab and brought my keys, I forgot to bring my parking permit, so I was afraid that I might get a ticket.

Well, here it is Monday, and I've been looking for my keys since that Thursday when I brought them to work... I couldn't think of where else to look. So I called my brother Joe to see if I had left them in his car by chance. I didn't leave a message and convinced myself that I had to think of somewhere else to look. A sweatshirt pocket maybe? Then Joe called me back and told me that they're in his car. I hope that I start remembering things. Now where did I put my phone charger again?

1 comment:

Troy & Sherry said...

believe me i understand - i can be so forgetful at times - you don't want me to tell you that it will get worse with age and when you get pregnant :) lovely thought isn't it.
stay warm out there....