Thursday, September 29, 2011


Ethan's vocabulary has taken a huge leap this week! His most used word of the week is "NO". Practically every question I ask him he answers with a shake of his head and a serious "no", even if the answer really is yes. Since he'd seemed to have conquered the n sound, I have now gotten him to say noodle, neck/necklace (na na), banana (also nana), and a few others probably. He also also started saying "up", whereas before he'd say "ba" for up. He loves to shout "Hi Hi Hi" but it comes out I, I, I :) And the sentences have started in full force. He loves to point out different things and tell me whose they are, like "mama chair" "dada book", etc. And the funniest sentence of the week was definitely when he ran around behind me and said "check, check?" lifted my shirt up and said "no poo poo". He refers to himself as Edee or Esee and usually sticks his finger up his nose when he points to himself, haha. And I am finally "mama". He has gotten the m sound down too, and stopped calling me baba. While he was getting it down, he would refer to me as all sorts of in betweens like bama, maba, and my personal favorite mamba. I love hearing my boy call me mama!

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