I can't believe I'm due in 9 1/2 weeks. So crazy. I feel great still, so instead of posting about me, I thought I'd write a few things about this little guy that we'll all meet pretty soon.
He definitely has resting and active periods that he goes through. I can almost tell when I get up in the middle of the night if I'm going to wake him up or not. If I have trouble getting back to sleep and toss and turn for a while, he wakes up and is ready to play around for a while, usually around 5am.
Also, he totally gets energized when I eat. If I lay down after eating, I feel like my insides are being bruised :)
He normally gets the hiccups at least twice per day, and sometimes many more times. I find myself subconsciously holding my breath or something like I'd usually do if I had the hiccups to try to get rid of them. Then I realize what I'm doing, haha.
He really enjoys hanging out in the right side of my belly, and now he's head down most of the time. He scrunches so far over to my right, that I can't lay or sit in such a way that I lean to the right or I'll get seriously kicked in the ribs. I have to sit straight up or leaning left to give him as much space as he needs. He gets really active if I put pressure on him, like if I feel a shoulder or something and push it around he starts wiggling a lot, and if he's scrunched or I've got pressure on my belly, he kicks at it.
We're going for an ultrasound next week, so I should have some extra fun pics after that. For now, here I am at 30 weeks:

Oh, and see that comfy glider in the background? Thanks, craigslist :) I found an awesome deal, I wasn't going to buy one until I either found an incredible deal or we'd found a house to put it in and I knew for sure we would have space to use it. For the price, it was a great buy so I'm glad I was looking. We've also made a few other purchases, a stroller and car seat travel system, and a high chair, to go along with the clothes and toys that are accumulating!