And here's me at 29 weeks:
Sorry for the mess!! Also, our camera has been slowly dying and so I finally bought a new one but I don't have the right memory for it. So I ordered some memory and am anticipating the day that I can once again have pictures that don't have pink stripes through them :)
I've been feeling really well lately. Other than the occasional back ache, stuffy noses when I lay down, and dizziness when I get up, I feel completely "normal". I'm starting to feel the countdown, 10 weeks and 5 days until my due date. Crazy! We're signed up for birth classes at our hospital in a few weeks. And I've been quickly accumulating baby stuff. I've been overwhelmed with reading about strollers/carseats/travel systems, reading reviews and what people like and don't like about each one. I have no idea... if anyone has suggestions, let me know what you like and don't like. I think I'm on info overload with that decision.
The other decision that I'm feeling the pressure on is THE NAME. We have a short list of ones we agree that we like, but we're still not feeling any in particular. We're not against sharing the name, it's just that we're not really that set so it may change at any given moment. We'll see what the next few weeks bring, and if we get any closer.
Oh, and I've since picked up the clutter in our room, haha.
yeah! i've been waiting for an update :) i joined cafemom when i was pregnant and got on a site for babies that were due in april 08 and it was really helpful. let me know if you have any questions about baby equipment, though!
You are SO adorable!
You look so cute! Thanks for the new picture. Tell Laura I love the baby sweater/hat sets...adorable.
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