Tuesday, March 18, 2014

precious moments with my newly 4(!!) year old

Steve's putting Ethan to bed and Ethan came in very seriously to tell me something. He told me that he was really sorry for running away from me after church this morning, and for disobeying on the way home. I thanked him for his apology and told him that I forgive him and went to give him a hug. "And here's some trash for you" he interrupted my hug to give me a sticker that wasn't sticking to his face anymore. I thanked him for the trash. "And I wanted to tell you a joke. How do you catch a butterfly?" I don't know, how? "You act like a tree."

Such precious little fun moments with my kiddo. He's getting so big :)

I have birthday pics and videos to post. It came and went so quickly and now he's four!

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