Thursday, September 22, 2011

18 months!

Ethan turned 1.5 this month, and had his 18 month check-up. He weighed in at 27.2 lbs (67th %ile) and measured 34" (90th %ile) and his head circumference is 19.5" (90th %ile).

He amazes me lately at what he remembers and has the verbal ability to tell me. When we went on a walk a few weeks ago we passed by a dog on a leash bound to a bike rack outside of a building. He was fascinated by the dog for a while and then we said bye to the dog and went about our way. When we passed by the same building a few weeks later, he stopped right where the dog had been and said dog! Then we had to talk about the dog for a while until he said bye to the dog that wasn't even there and continued on. Cracked me up!

Then today at the library for story time, while we were leaving he remembered that we had visited a fountain nearby and asked to see the "wa wa" again. I told him no, that it was too cold to walk to the water fountain, so he pondered that for a bit and then said "bye bye wa wa" and went to the car.

He also remembers that Steve has taken him for a bike ride down to the lake to throw rocks into the water after dinner. Sometimes as we're finishing up dinner he'll throw up hands up in the air and say "wa wa! row (throw) ra (rock)!" to suggest going again.

He loves to play that he's calling people on my cell phone and knows that talking on the phone involves saying hello, jibber jabbering a lot as you're walking around the house, then laughing a lot and saying bye bye.

Books are still a favorite, as well as sesame street, any type of ball imaginable, and his lawn mower and baby doll stroller. He's getting so fast and loves to run, and his vocabulary increases daily. If I ask him to say something, he will give it his best shot :) If I can get him to sit still for a second or two, I am going to attempt to catch a decent 18 month bear pic!

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