Ethan is now 8 months old! He has two teeth still, but judging from the amount of drool that he creates, I'm thinking that will soon change. He truly is all boy. He loves to throw things and watch them crash. He loves to play peek-a-boo and be startled, and has already started sort of wrestling with daddy. I've been working with him on understanding words. He loves his ball, so I repeat "ball" with him a lot while we're playing and will ask "where's your ball?" and he'll look around until he find it, and then smile at us. So I think that he is picking up on a few words, though not trying any out other than jibber jabber. Still working on mama and dada :)
He started doing this thing I call the "cheese face" which is the most adorable thing I've ever seen, I must say. I tried to capture it on video and this is the closest that I've gotten. He looks at us and then scrunches up his nose and eyes while he smiles. It's so funny and I think that he knows it is because he does it all the time and we laugh each time.
We are getting ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas in our house! It is so much fun to anticipate Christmas with Ethan this year. I can't wait to start some fun holiday traditions and watch him understand why we're celebrating as time goes on.
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