So the theme for the last couple of weeks is "busy busy busy". Ethan is so curious about everything that he's constantly checking out what's going on around him. Which makes for some bear pics where he's more interested in the bear than the camera. Shocker! He loves the camera and usually can spot it anywhere in the room and just stares at it.
His hair is really starting to come in although it's still thin it's definitely getting longer. It's also growing in every which direction, which has earned him the nickname "mad scientist" from Steve and me. Like I said, he's so curious and has started to grab at everything to check out what's going on around him. He loves to be outside and calms right down if we walk outside when he's fussy.
The other day I caught him doing something I've never seen him do before too, he would take his toys and raise it above his head, kind of like he was going to fling it across the room. He didn't thankfully, but the throwing toys game is going to become popular very soon :)
He is so charming and loves to check out new people. The nurse that gave him his shots even was struck by what a people person he is, he was screaming after his shots and as she was leaving she leaned over and told him she was sorry and he stopped mid-scream to smile at her before continuing on with his crying.
He just rolled over for the first time this past week, and now is doing it like he's a pro. He is getting better at sitting up, but still can't do it for long periods just a few short seconds. He gets too excited and then kicks his legs and falls over. Or he finds something that he wants and leans forward. Still doesn't use his legs to stand or bounce in his jumper yet, just to kick his feet while he's laying down :)
He's still loves to talk, more babbling sounds than just Ahhh's too. Also plenty of screaching and high-pitched squealing. We love our little guy, and can't believe that he's already half way through his first year!! Crazy!
And just when I can't believe how big he's getting, he goes and falls asleep in his swing, all wrapped up in his fuzzy blanket to take a nap. How snuggly and precious is this? I love how his feet are crossed.
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