Monday, September 27, 2010
some of the latest pics and updates
So we close on our house this week! Here are a few pictures that I snapped during our inspection last week. The things in the pictures are the sellers things, they haven't moved out yet, and we haven't moved in yet. I will for sure take some more pics, especially of the outside of the house, when we move in. We're anxious to get in and get working on the to-do list that we have building up in our heads :) We certainly feel blessed!
Master bedroom and bathroom: (the master has lights above the crown molding, you can sort of see it in the picture)

The E man checking out his new room. Actually, this might turn out to be Steve's office, we'll see.
The two rooms on either side of the entry way:

The front entry way:
Straight through the entry way, looking through the living room:

Another view of the living room, from the kitchen:
My new kitchen:

And a few of Ethan, just because:
In my hoodie that Aunt Laura knit for me!

First time trying Cheerios. He sure was intrigued but didn't know what to do with them :)
Master bedroom and bathroom: (the master has lights above the crown molding, you can sort of see it in the picture)
The E man checking out his new room. Actually, this might turn out to be Steve's office, we'll see.
The front entry way:
Another view of the living room, from the kitchen:
And a few of Ethan, just because:
In my hoodie that Aunt Laura knit for me!
First time trying Cheerios. He sure was intrigued but didn't know what to do with them :)
Friday, September 17, 2010
look what I can say :)
We have a closing date! Sept 30th, at 9:30am. I called to start all of our utilities and such, so everything is falling into place to move. Yay.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
6 months bear pics
So the theme for the last couple of weeks is "busy busy busy". Ethan is so curious about everything that he's constantly checking out what's going on around him. Which makes for some bear pics where he's more interested in the bear than the camera. Shocker! He loves the camera and usually can spot it anywhere in the room and just stares at it.
His hair is really starting to come in although it's still thin it's definitely getting longer. It's also growing in every which direction, which has earned him the nickname "mad scientist" from Steve and me. Like I said, he's so curious and has started to grab at everything to check out what's going on around him. He loves to be outside and calms right down if we walk outside when he's fussy.
The other day I caught him doing something I've never seen him do before too, he would take his toys and raise it above his head, kind of like he was going to fling it across the room. He didn't thankfully, but the throwing toys game is going to become popular very soon :)
He is so charming and loves to check out new people. The nurse that gave him his shots even was struck by what a people person he is, he was screaming after his shots and as she was leaving she leaned over and told him she was sorry and he stopped mid-scream to smile at her before continuing on with his crying.
He just rolled over for the first time this past week, and now is doing it like he's a pro. He is getting better at sitting up, but still can't do it for long periods just a few short seconds. He gets too excited and then kicks his legs and falls over. Or he finds something that he wants and leans forward. Still doesn't use his legs to stand or bounce in his jumper yet, just to kick his feet while he's laying down :)
He's still loves to talk, more babbling sounds than just Ahhh's too. Also plenty of screaching and high-pitched squealing. We love our little guy, and can't believe that he's already half way through his first year!! Crazy!
And just when I can't believe how big he's getting, he goes and falls asleep in his swing, all wrapped up in his fuzzy blanket to take a nap. How snuggly and precious is this? I love how his feet are crossed.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
We got our portraits done for the church directory. We didn't think that they turned out the greatest, but it sure is funny to see the E man in all his chubbiness :) The previous posts are links to the family and baby shots.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Ethan and House
Ethan's 6 month checkup was today and he weighed in at 20lbs 10oz, and measured 28.5in long. He's soon going to outgrow his infant carseat, so if anyone absolutely loves theirs let me know because I'm in the market to buy a new one.
Things are looking good for the house that we're buying. Our inspection will be next week, hopefully early in the week and then we should be all set. We're still on track to close by the end of the month. Yay.
Things are looking good for the house that we're buying. Our inspection will be next week, hopefully early in the week and then we should be all set. We're still on track to close by the end of the month. Yay.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
house update
Things are looking good for our house! We may be closing this very month! Details to come soon :)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Ethan's not too sure about eating bananas from his mesh feeder ;)
So far the new fruits that he's tried have given us the funniest reactions but he keeps eating everything that we've offered.
So far the new fruits that he's tried have given us the funniest reactions but he keeps eating everything that we've offered.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
State Fair
at long last
This morning, at 5am, a long awaited milestone in Ethan's life occurred :) He rolled over onto his tummy! I had to flip him back onto his back several times last night because he kept trying to roll and getting stuck on his arm and would start crying. Then I heard him fussing again at 5am, but then he was quiet. I looked at him at 5:30 and he was sleeping soundly on his tummy! He slept that way until 7am! That was the latest he's slept in in a long time. Of course, it was also the most he's been up during the night in quite a while too ;)
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