Wednesday, May 12, 2010

2 months old already!

Ethan was born 2 months ago today. Wow, it has flown by but it also seems like he's been here a lot longer than 2 months. We've gotten into a "normal" routine now, one in which he sleeps for the better part of the day :) He also has gotten pretty good about sleeping longer stretches at night, normally around 6 hours but once as long as 9!

He's moved into a big crib now, he no longer was fitting in his bassinet. He also is quite the scratcher!! Despite me keeping his nails trimmed super short, and his arms tightly swaddled when I put him down for naps and bedtime, he manages to wiggle his hands out and dig into his cheeks and forehead. It's horrible to go get him in the morning and find blood, poor guy.

He loves to smile and coo at us, and even has the cutest little chuckle that just cracks me up. He's gotten so big, he now wears 6mo clothes pretty regularly, but many 3mo ones still fit, especially pants. Our pile of outgrown clothes sure has grown though in these past few weeks. We have our two month checkup on Friday, so I'll have some stats to share soon.

Ethan and his many scratches


Anonymous said...

Aww... poor big guy! But what a great sleeper you have!! Malachi was 7 months old before he slept longer than 3 hours at night!
Looks like his eyes are turing brown now? Lincoln's turned around 2 months old.
I'm so ready to meet Ethan!

Nat said...

So sad...all those little scratches. Awww! He's such a sweetie-pie! Looks like you had a special mother's day.