Monday, March 8, 2010

it's on

I'm on the hospital's schedule to be induced a week from today! It feels pretty surreal that this is my final week of being pregnant with this little guy. If you have any positive induction stories, I'd love to hear them :) Any induction horror stories can wait for a few weeks, haha.

Here I am at 38wks

Now I need to charge my camera battery, and start putting together a list of stuff that needs to go to the hospital with us. Should have had this done a while back, but better late than never. Oh, and install the car seat. I could totally relate to Jim and Pam carrying the entire car seat base and all, around with them. That's been us. (sorry if you're not a fan of that show!)


Anonymous said...

Yeah!! One week will go by very quickly (hopefully!) Can't wait to see pics of baby Mellema!

The Goodman's said...

I am so excited for you. I wasn't technically induced..I was in labor and all when I went to the hospital, but I wasn't dialating like I needed to with my contractions so my doctor started me on pitocin which is what they use to induce labor. All I know is that once he started that, I was begging for the epidural. I know that next time around, I will get the epidural before they start the pitocin if I require it again.

Can't wait to see pictures of your little guy when he gets here.