It seems like the last few days especially my level of comfort has dropped significantly. I am sure it's nothing compared to many people, there's really nothing in particular that's terrible it's just the combination of everything. And at my last few doctors appointments we've been talking about an induction on March 15 if baby does not come on his own before then. That's only 16 days away! So we're going to be busy getting all of his stuff in order before then... car seat installed, clothes washed and put away, etc.
Oh, and as an update on our house - we had a couple say that it's on their top 2 houses, they're still looking but they liked our house. So we decided that it's time to drop the price a bit to see if they will just make us an offer. It would be so great to get that off our minds soon.
Hoping that your house sells quickly!! I know that would be a huge relief :)
And I'm sure you are definitely feeling uncomfortable. It affects nearly every part of your body at the end. Can't wait to see baby Mellema!
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