Wednesday, April 25, 2012

little chatter-bug

One other funny thing he is saying lately.

We found a roly poly on the driveway and Ethan picks it up and stammers to remember what it's called "Oh, I found a.. a... a holy moly!"

He was scratching my back and points to my neck "Mommy, what's this on your neck?  Oh, it's a holy moly."

I must say that one often or something :)

zoo trip

This one is getting so hard to take a picture of!  He doesn't sit still for two seconds :)

Brave boy petting the bunnies!

The bears were so active and so close!

My play group had a fun day at the zoo today!  It's been a busy week for us.  More fun to come later this week, my mom gets in tomorrow afternoon for the weekend!

the circus!

Ethan was so thrilled to see the elephant.  Don't let his serious face fool you!  When Steve started walking toward the elephant Ethan started to get very worried.  Once daddy confirmed that we were only going to go close, that Ethan didn't have to ride on the elephant, he was ok and didn't want to leave.  He told us several times after that though, "we're only going to go close, don't ride on it".  During pretty much every act Ethan asked "where'd the elephant go, mommy?"  He enjoyed most of the other acts as well, just the elephant topped them all by far :)  

One other highlight, during one of the acrobat acts, Ethan repeated many times, "She's gonna fall!"  After I told him that she wasn't gonna fall, that she practiced a lot and she wouldn't fall he started saying "She's doing a pretty good job".  Such a funny kid.  

He has talked a lot about it since Monday night, and when I ask him if he liked a certain act he gets super serious and says "oh, I did", nodding his head.  I love how engaging he is about everything, he loves to talk!  

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

more funny stuff he said

He keeps cracking me up! Today he hugged my legs, looked up at me, and then said "you're a big boy, mommy!"

This morning on our way to church we were singing the song My God is So Big, and Ethan tells me, "that's too loud mommy, turn it down".

Monday, April 16, 2012


Yesterday I got my first, totally unprompted "I love you" from Ethan. I tell him constantly that I love him, and he says it a lot to me too, but it's usually right after I tell him or right before bed or something like that. So yesterday when we were playing outside and he wrapped his arms around my legs and said "I wub you mommy" it completely melted my heart.

Also, for the record, we are potty training around here! We are on our 4th week of no diapers and most days are great. For a while he would have an accident if I didn't take him really regularly, but lately he's the one who will tell me that he needs to go. He still gets a diaper for nap and night times, but they are often dry. However, the last hurdle is going #2 on the potty. He waits until he's in his crib to go, and seems to be pretty afraid to go on the potty for that one. We're working on it, but it seems that it might take a while to warm up to the idea. Any advice will be appreciated :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Some of the funny conversations lately

"don't put Jesus in the potty. He doesn't want to be in there"

Ethan, as we are driving home: "I have to go pee pee"
Mama: "can you wait till we get home and go pee pee in the potty? We are almost there"
Ethan: "nope, in my car seat"

As Ethan's taking a bath I hear him saying "uh oh. Poo poos coming out! Oh no, it's just little toots." I take a peek and it definitely was not just little toots.

Ethan arcing his back reaching around and sounding a little upset: "oh no. What's this on my back right here?"
I run over to see what it is. "oh, that's called your shoulder blade." and he goes back to playing.