Friday, November 18, 2011


Along with Ethan's developing vocabulary has come a new love for singing! He now sings along with several songs, and I sometimes catch him singing ones on his own. He loves to sing several sesame street songs, Jesus Loves Me, Deep and Wide, Itsy Bitsy Sipder, Wheels on the Bus, and Our God is so BIG, to name a few. He sways as he sings them and definitely drags out the words that he actually can say :) I'm trying hard to capture it on video.

Also, today he asked his first full question "where'd it go?" after a garbage truck rounded a corner out of our sight. He usually just holds up his hands and says "go?" I answered him by saying "don't worry" and explained that it'd be back on its way out of the neighborhood and he repeated "don't worry" probably more than 20 times as he heard it traveling around our subdivision. He seriously cracked me up with that one.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Ethan's vocabulary is continuing to grow and amaze me. Yesterday he said the word "everywhere" and it was so clear it freaked me out a bit. And his sentences are becoming more and more clear as well. His longest one so far was this prayer - "Jesus Ethan boo-boo all better, amen". So sweet, as he was closing his eyes super tight and holding his little hand over his boo boo.

I'm definitely lagging in taking pictures lately, because he throws a fit every time he sees the camera and I don't let him play with it. This is getting very old, so I have usually just let special moments go because I don't want to have the same issue again. We started to set up our Christmas tree the other night and I tried to catch a few memories but Ethan ended up in tears instead. Very frustrating, so you'll just have to trust that our tree is now up and decorated :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween

Can you believe that last year's costume is the same costume as Ethan wore this year?! So grown up now.

Visit with saige

Pics and video from a recent afternoon with our favorite little girl :)

When daddy's away

When Steve has to spend Saturday nights at church while on worship team, Ethan and I usually head put on the town. One of our favorite places to spend the evening is at Barnes and Noble. Eman loves the train table and brand new Lego table!