Steve has wanted a new drum kit for several years now. He's priced brand new kits several times and we were both astounded at how much it'd cost to get what he wanted. So he's been watching e bay and craigs list for a while, halfway thinking that it'd be impossible for him to actually find something second-hand that he'd be happy with.
Then a few weeks ago he announced that he thought that he'd found the one. It was priced fairly low even for a used kit, but there was no 'buy it now' price (you had to bid along with everyone else) so that could change quickly. He decided to watch it and bid late in the auction. The auction ended around half time of the superbowl, so we watched, and refreshed, and watched some more. Then he won the auction, and was the only bidder on it! Yay! So all that to say, here's Steve's 'new' kit!!!
Pictures the day it arrived:

Pictures of it set up in our basement:

Oh, and he's pretty excited-- he
loves it. That kind of goes without saying :)